Monday, August 27, 2007

Back to Basics, Back to 190

Could I lose 10lbs in a week? Uh maybe not. I had wanted to get down to 180 by the end of August. Right now I'll be glad to get down to 185lb and that is going to take some effort. Weekends seem to be my weak points. I know I keep saying I'm going to add some exercise. Dang it is hot though. And really I am making excuses. Steve jogs at night. And I am determined to "beat him" at losing weight. Really Steve inspires me. I have 7 weeks before my birthday. I'm hoping I can get down to 170lb by October 18. That is about 2 lbs a week. Maybe it will take to November or December. If I am given this time, I'll make the best of it. If it takes until next year, I will get there.

So, today I meet with a Realtor/Broker about a storefront for ShoeBox Oven. Not sure what it is going to lead to. This is a long journey...partnership/storefront/opening. But I am glad God has placed me here. Working on my dreamboard today too. Going to finish it up, print it out and put it on my wall. It will be my bullseye. My focus.

This week I'm going to make salted caramel and chocolate tarts with a pasta frolla (my favorite) crust. Exciting! I'm also hoping to do more macarons (I ate like 20 of them yesterday) and other cookies to come up with a gift box for the holidays. Also hope to temper some chocolate and make plaisir sucre. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

OhYeahBabe said...

It's been a while since you posted. I hope you're doing well. Please, if you are considering the Kimkins diet again, read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.

Kimkins members may join the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is a video that explains how easy it is to join the Kimkins lawsuit.

Be healthy!