Tuesday, July 31, 2007

On my way...

to work. Actually I am late. But I wanted to write a little something in here before leaving. I am down to 198.5 lbs. Did not eat much yesterday. Got home tired from a photoshoot and concerned about some other things and I just thought I'd go to sleep instead of eating. I'm sure the loss is water as I am very dehydrated. I'm trying to drink lots more water to flush out my system and keep me balanced. As I've said before I am going to eat up my veggies and even eat up my popsicles. I'm too broke to be throwing out food. God willing, I will be able to pay my rent this month. It is a struggle y'all. I should be used to it by now. But I need stronger faith to keep control of this animal in my head (my brain) that wants to fret, eat, worry, indulge, give up.


Monday, July 30, 2007

A decision

I am almost certain I'm going to do the K/E. I just bought all these veggies and got all these eggs to eat up this week. The eggs I'll probably take to the Oven to use. The veggies I cant make myself throw away. So this week will just be straight KimKins then I'll go to K/E.

I was looking at what other dieters have been eating. Wow! At first I was thinking that is just too little and that is not right. But I had to remember that I need to train my mind. I need to get my mind right. Instead of defeating myself before I start, I got to be obedient and try. So eggbeaters and lean meat, no popsicles and keeping my cals under 1200 and carbs under 20 is the goal. I want this control yall. Things happen. Plans fall apart. And I know this very very well. But at least I can set myself up for success and do my best. God will do the rest.

And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful. Psalm 90:17

Buy, Bye PopSicles - Down 2.5lbs

Well, I've been reading the KimKins site (very much like lowcarbfriends.com, but more focused on KimKins) and they seem like a helpful bunch of people over there. I have been debating if I wanted to do the KimKins Experiment (K/E) for a week (all lean protein, no veggies, no carbs). Or if I just wanted to start off with the regular KimKins diet (20 carbs or less, lean protein and veggies). As much as I want to lose weight fast, I dont want to be miserable. If I did not work, or had a very solitary lifestyle, maybe I could do the KE diet for a week. But I need a lot more energy when having to bake 100s of dozens of pão de quiejos, cookies, cakes, brownies, etc. I'd be too tempted to fail without the support of veggies. It is bad enough I am giving up cheese (Adios Taco Salad...sniff, sniff). Since KimKins has me really focusing on my carbs (not discounting fiber or sugar alcohols), I am having to give up my one low-carb comfort food—Edy's Sugar Free popsicles. Dont know what I'm going to grab when I want to snack on something. I guess drink water, diet Sunkist, chew on gum (dang that has carbs too, shucks) or let the feeling pass. We shall see. Yesterday I did not put anything into SparkPeople planner. But today and from now on I will be. Down 2.5lbs.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 19 a Baker's Blog to Lose 55lbs

Today is my first day on the KimKin diet. I am determined to get down to 148. I am at 203 now.

I have been as high as 240 and as low as 160. I lost 80lbs on Atkins and exercise two years ago. I love exercise. And Atkins is great. But since leaving my full-time job to start a bakery, my time for exercise and my eating discipline is nonexistent. Though I do love the things that I bake, most of the weight gain has come from stress. "Stress. Need Comfort/Safety. Food." It is a bad excuse. But there it is.

Having to stand on my feet all day, lifting pots and pans and working 12 to 14 hour days does not give me much time for working out. As I am used to working out for at least two hours four days a week. But I have not found the time to do just that. But I am amazingly able to find time to stuff food in my mouth. I love Mexican food. Chipotle burritos are my security blanket when things are not going well (which is often in my startup bakery). I love crunchy stuff. So chips with a big burrito salsa and guacamole is my meal for the day. So there is no wonder I have gained so much weight. In fact I am surprised I have not gained more.

Anyway, I thought since I dont have time to workout, I do have the time and mindset to make good decisions about what I eat. I need that discipline back that I had when I was doing Atkins, but something more focused. Before I worked at a desk. Now I work around delicious food all day long. So I need a lot of focus.

I am not affiliated with the KimKins site. I paid my monies to get access and the support at KimKins.com. And that is it. I'm not going to be setting up links to the KimKins site or do any KimKins affiliation programs. I'm just doing this to help myself and maybe help someone else who is trying to change the way he/she THINKS and EATS. That is all.

I looked for a lot of information about KimKins and saw some sites that were obviously paid advertisements for KimKins, a few were true testimonials and the others were bashing the diet all together. This site is just a true testament of my journey on trying to lose 55lbs. Whatever weight loss program you are on, pray for your success. To each his own. Just do it. You can do it. I can do it. May all of our efforts be successful.
