Monday, August 27, 2007

Back to Basics, Back to 190

Could I lose 10lbs in a week? Uh maybe not. I had wanted to get down to 180 by the end of August. Right now I'll be glad to get down to 185lb and that is going to take some effort. Weekends seem to be my weak points. I know I keep saying I'm going to add some exercise. Dang it is hot though. And really I am making excuses. Steve jogs at night. And I am determined to "beat him" at losing weight. Really Steve inspires me. I have 7 weeks before my birthday. I'm hoping I can get down to 170lb by October 18. That is about 2 lbs a week. Maybe it will take to November or December. If I am given this time, I'll make the best of it. If it takes until next year, I will get there.

So, today I meet with a Realtor/Broker about a storefront for ShoeBox Oven. Not sure what it is going to lead to. This is a long journey...partnership/storefront/opening. But I am glad God has placed me here. Working on my dreamboard today too. Going to finish it up, print it out and put it on my wall. It will be my bullseye. My focus.

This week I'm going to make salted caramel and chocolate tarts with a pasta frolla (my favorite) crust. Exciting! I'm also hoping to do more macarons (I ate like 20 of them yesterday) and other cookies to come up with a gift box for the holidays. Also hope to temper some chocolate and make plaisir sucre. Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

happyFATskinnyGIRL, a lost Alcoholic, and my really bad Spanish

Cant say I'm unhappy, but I'm definitely not skinny. Gained 4 lbs this week. Back at 194. I definitely slacked this week. I ate low calorie during the weekdays (still around 1200 calories), but one day my carbs were up to 60 grams. That day I ate 4 veggie burgers. And the remainder of the week, I did not bother even putting in my numbers on my food journal. So I'm not sure how I did. I really ate a lot though.

Some of you all may know that I want to speak Spanish and try speaking it, but it is awful to hear. Imagine an idiot, high on helium trying to speak Spanish and that is how I sound. I try to communicate to my co-workers, but they just pat me on the back and stifle laughter. Steve, my GodBrother, mocks my Spanish every chance he gets. This past Saturday morning, my Spanish was pushed to the limits.

Saturday morning, Steve and I arrive at the kitchen at 2am. We were preparing for the Saturday farmer's market. Around 3am, Luis (the night maintenance man), comes in and explains to me that a drunken man had been in the restaurant. The man had startled Luis, by breaking a door. Luis came out of the bathroom, where he was cleaning to see the man throw-up all over a table. The drunkard then staggard to another part of the restaurant and tried to sit down, but ended up breaking a table. The police tried to apprehend him, but the boozer ran into one of the lounge rooms. The coppers finely got him and dragged him to proccesing. Poor Luis, not only did he have to witness this scene, but he had to try to explain it to me while I had this look of "huh?" on my face. Luis just patted me on the back.

The farmer's market was winding down. Steve had already left. And I decided to eat a small piece of the bread I baked for the market and I also finally tried a Torta della Nonna pastry, a dessert I'd added to my menu months ago. Well I sat there under my farmer's market canopy eating my pan de mie roll with fresh basil and nibbling on the torta della nonna and I was happy. I thought of my bad spanish, disgustingly growing debt, the uncertainty of life and felt nothing but joy for being born, healthy and loved. But this morning I saw how fat I was. What made it sort of bad was that yesterday I also had my low-carb taco salad with cheese and sour cream. Not part of KimKins at all. Happy nonetheless, but FAT(ter). Well those be the breaks y'all.
Went to the kitchen to see what I'd eat this morning and there was a babka that I had left for my friend Erin, opened and sliced. STEVE!

Normally, I would have ignored this opened pastry. But the sweet yeasty bread was saying "Hey Krissy." So I said "Hey" back and ate half of it. I'm not sure if it was authentic babka. But it was authentically good. Ate half of it before I put it away. So I'm not sure what this all means. I ate badly this week and especially the last couple of days. Just been eating a lot yall. Lots of sugar free gum and lots of jello. Stuff that stalls, causes water bloat. Not good. But I've been having the munchies. I need to get it together.

I have been drinking my water. And the weather is not as blazing so I hope to go walking soon. ::shrug::
Sort of down, but not out. Looking forward to success. I will get down to my goal weight. I will. I know that much. I will be my best! God first and God willing.

Encouragement and constructive compliments are always welcomed.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Down, and oh I lost 6 more lbs

Kelis is my "weight-loss model." I dont know how much the bossy lady weighs. But she is tall about 5'10" and I like her style. So I thought she'd be my to-goal inspiration.

It is not Monday (my weigh-in day), but I just felt like weighing. I over ate yesterday and the last couple of days I had a smidgen of cheese (dairy is not part of the diet at all) and I also had more than my fair share of basil and tomatos (veggies not part of the K/E way). So I thought I'd weigh in to see the damage. I've been drinking maybe 6 glasses of water instead of the required 8. And I have been peeing like 12 glasses of water every dang night. Not cool. Anyway, this Sunday morning after sleeping 17 hours, I thought I'd see the results of my meat and eggbeaters diet--6lbs down. Not too bad. I'm not sure if I will stick to the K/E (lean protein only) diet or go back to KimKin diet which allows you to eat veggies. I may do a mix as I really like eggs and meat just makes me happy. But I need spinach and tomatos in my omelete. Some color please. I also want to start exercising. Can I jump rope in my apartment?

I'm not sure if the weight loss is going to slow down considerably. But so far so good. I'd love to lose 23lbs by the first of September. So far I have lost 13 lbs. To be at 180 by Labor Day would be cool. I'll just keep trying.

August has been tough as I have not gotten many orders and I'm not sure how to pay payroll, my car note, my small business loan, rent, etc. So that is why I am "down." Also my kitchen situation is shaky too. Not sure how long the restaurant will be open and how long I will be allowed to be there. In prayer with high hopes.

On another note, I have returned to It is a free website with as much, if not more info, than the KimKins website. It is free compared to the $60 signup fee at KimKins. I am disappointed at the lack of participation by the authors of the site. If I had people paying that money, I'd offer some editorials, more success stories, meal advice, exercise reviews....something. Instead it is just a board of people wondering how to do the diet and giving each other advice. These are the same people who paid to get on the site, not the experts who have our $60. I'm not into the whole "who is Kimmer" debate or trashing the diet at all. But I do think it is dubious to have folks paying $60 for info that Kimmer offers on for free. I was duped. Oh well. Wasn't the first time.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sleep Interrupted

This is day three on K/E and it is ok. I like the meat moreso the eggs and I'm drinking more water. I'm going to the bathroom every hour to pee. That is a bit irritating, but maybe the flush is flushing some of my calories away too. Though my carbs are under 10 grams, my calories are as high as 1100. It has been advised that I cut back on my portions. But I am eating so little already. I'm going to wait and see if the 1100 calories is holding back my weightloss. My ToM will be coming on and I always pack on 5lbs just for the little lady. It usually flushes away immediately when over. I am anxious to get on the scale now to see how I'm doing. But I'm going to wait until next Monday or perhaps after ToM to see. I am incredibly thirsty all the time and have a touch of insomnia. But other than that, I'm good. I probably should cut back on the lunch meats which have lots of salt. ...More to learn.

It is super slow this week and I've cut back on hours at work. So, I'm just going to take it easy.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Water under the bridge? 8lbs in 7 days

As of this morning, I am down to 195 from 203. Ok so most of it may be water weight. Its weight nonetheless. This week I start K/E—all lean protein, no veggies. This going to be something. But I am going to try it out. I'm putting the scale away. Seeing the numbers fluctuate everyday can be nerve wrecking. So I'm probably going to weigh myself every week or maybe every two weeks. Depending on how things go, I'll probably follow K/E with Bootcamp. That is lean protein with some veggies and at least 30 minutes of exercise for at least 5 days a week. I will start walking again, while taking a lot of Benadryl (curse my itchy legs). There are a lot of paths and hills in my neighborhood that will give me a nice workout just from walking. If I get better, then hopefully I can start running again. Got to find a good multivitamin to take and then just be obedient...follow the plan and keep busy. Weekends are the toughest as I dont feel like logging in what I've eaten. I'm beat from the farmer's market and Sundays after church I just want to veg out—watch movies, nap, snack, and nap some more. Got to get my mind right. Anyway, it is an adventure.

I hope to lose a total of 20lbs by the end of August. So here is to drinking lots of water (I went to the bathroom like 10 times last night), eating lean protein (egg beaters, thyme and white pepper make a great omelete) and working out (going to be trekking up that Braddock Rd gargantuan hill).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sleepy and the Same

No loss for today. It may be from not drinking enough water ::shrug::. I know I need to get my carb count down lower. It is still hovering over 20, though my calories are less than 1000. One thing for sure is I am sleepy. I used to be able to get by on 6 hours of sleep. On this diet plan I definitely need all eight hours if not more.

A friend invited me to sponsor a Howard Homecoming party (my alma mater). I'm excited because HomeComing falls on by birthday and maybe by sponsoring the party (donating chocolates) I can actually get into a HU party without having to pay $100. So I got to thinking of how much I'd like to lose by then. 40 would be great! Me in a size 10 dress is dangerous. But I just figured I'd do my best between now and then. I'll take everything I put into this thing. I hope for the best and I hope I can go to the party! I havent been out socializing in a long long time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Two, Too

I lost another two pounds today. Hope I can start exercising soon. But for real not in too much of a hurry. I cant afford my gym membership anymore, so I will have to hit the pavement with running, which I look forward to if it wasnt for my itchy skin problem. That is another blog—basically I have an allergy that flares when I run. I have lots to do. There will be a small mention in the paper tomorrow about my bakery. I am glad and hope this means more orders! I need to drum up $1500 by mid August and that is after payroll. Rough stuff. What I look forward to is trying and seeing my efforts succeed. Maybe not the way I had planned but succeed nonetheless.

My grandfather passed away yesterday. I am not sure how to feel about it. My family is traveling to Florida for his funeral this Friday. I cannot make it. Maybe if I was with them I'd have more feelings about it. My Grandpa was wonderful. He was also a go-getter. So I know he'd want me to push forward with my biz/dreams. But I wish there was some other feeling I could have for his passing. Something more appropriate than no feeling at all. Anyway, I got tons of stuff to do. I'm tired. And hopeful.