Friday, January 30, 2009

Monkey See. Monkey Do?

"The Republican National Committee elected Michael Steele as its first African American chairman today in Washington, a decision that came after an excruciating series of ballots that displayed a level of drama rarely seen in national politics." - WashingtonPost

Well, well, well... They are going to play THAT game. Though it did take them mugs 6x before they could do the deed. I'm sure my beloved dearly departed Jesse Helmes is going bonkers.

Sidenote: Is the RNC trying to do a one-up on Blagojevich? Michael Steele man flunked out of Hopkins, failed the Maryland bar exam. Doesn't pay back family loans. And made some suspect arrangements with the RNC during his bid to run for lieutenant governor. Shucks most of that could be me. I'm sure I'd fail the bar (without even trying) and I know owe my little sister and grandma some money. A creditor would not come near me with 60-foot pole. But apparently the RNC would? Oh wait, I'm a girl. They are not ready for that!

Wait! Why wasn't Palin considered?

A Bunch of Johnny-Come-Latelys?

The The National Bureau of Economic Research announced today that we are now, officially in a recession. They are absolutely positively sure. Nevermind the thousands out of work, the daily announcements of massive layoffs. No the economists have thrown the bones, smelled the chicken turds, slaughtered the yak. The economists have given us permission to enunciate the word without doubt or fear of censure. Uh-huh.

"We don't need no stinkin' numbers.
This time next year the numbers will say that we've been in a depression since December 2008. " -Dogvane (blogger)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Skinny Coffee, Skinny Saturdays

This week the US Postal Service announced that it was seriously thinking of ceasing Saturday deliveries. This announcement was followed by Starbuck acquiescing it's pimp-hand grip on the corner coffee shop, closing 300 stores.

With my own re-structuring and hopes for the future (along with the ever genteel bill man calling or writing me to remind me of our on-going relationship), I'm increasingly aware that I have to get close to the ground with how I live, how I save and what I sacrifice. My hunt for a part-time job continues in earnest this weekend. I'm not excited about working on my days off, but I am determined to finance my own shoe, wii, plasma tv, mac laptop and bill bail-out.

Plus now that the postman wont be bringing my netflix on saturdays what else will I have to do?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mind Game... BellyButton Gazing ...Snapping Out of It!

I got stuck y'all. Naw not the kind of stuck because I hit some kind of calorie weight plateu and I'm not losing anymore. Thought that may be the case. The stuck I was in was being stuck in my bullshit.

I wrote this long-winded post about being disappointed in my failures and my fears of failing again...blah, blah, blah. And I was turned off by the "woe is me" purge. I mean those fears are real and all. But we've all heard it before. BORING! I'm not adding anything new to the game. So yeah I'm fat. It's tough. I've got a lot worries. So what. I got fat arms and legs. But damn I got arms and I got legs! And they work!

I spend all day on the net finding new stuff (mostly stuff other folks have found already) and enjoying my friends and posting links and sharing ideas and that is what I need to be doing here.

I will still kvetch about my weight-loss ups and downs. But that is not all there is to this happyfatskinnygirl!

Look out for recipes, links, fashion-hopes, side-job ideas and more. I'm on a mission!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Chubby Skinny?

Never been into diet books. But this new diet comic book by Carol Lay looks fun and comes with its on set of controversy that would make a KimKins or Atkins dieter proud.

The title, This comic book can make you thin!, makes fun of the diet fads and gimmicks, but it also comes with a set of its own criticisms. interview with Lay describes her obsession, struggle and balance with food. But it is in the reader comments you can glean the feeding frenzy of nay-sayers and supporters who condemn and praise Carol's story. Even in graphic, light-hearted fun, diets cause a lot of hoopla and drama. I will buy the book for fun. But I am still of the opinion you have to do what works for you. I do agree with Carol that you have to eat right and exercise more. But as far as calorie intake, types of food, types of exercises, find out on your own, be inspired by others and do what is right for you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Day After The Best Day of My Life So Far

Geesh. My last post was March 08. It is January 2009, one day after President Obama's inauguration. So much good has happened in between then and now. Some of it is obviously good and the other is a good challenge.

I'm no longer baking. The Oven door was closed in August 08. Over the summer I was offered a full-time job as a senior designer for big global company XYZ. Glad
to have it. In that summer I also enjoyed a new boyfriend. It was a wonderful fling. But a summer fling that could not survive the Fall. I was dumped on my birthday, Oct. 18.New boyfriend, new job, new waistline. In fact a plus plus plus waistline. I join the ranks of Oprah and Russell Crowe. I've gained again and need to lose again. Though not because I am a multi-million dollar talk show host or an actor trying to fit into a role for a movie. Wanting to get my mind right and be my best is the ulitmate reason. Though vanity has its hand in on it too.

I need to be wearing the dress on the right, even if I have no party to go to or no date to mark the occasion. The dress may seem ridiculous to some, but it is a mark of sure self-confidence and no rolls of fat back. It is good to read this blog and remind myself of my habits, my ups and downs. To set my expectations realistically, to uncover mysteries already solved. Need to drink more water, my body is not a calculator and enjoy the ride. It's a long journey. So why hurry.

9 lbs down 51 lbs more to go.