Monday, May 4, 2009

Perspiration and Inspiration :: Be Moore's Youtube Fitness Channel

My pal Be Moore and the AlumniRoundup crew is putting on the RoundUp Rendezvous, South Beach Miami this June 09. In the spirit of hedonism and health Moore is documenting the guys getting fit for the beach. Oh my, oh my... I'm sure Be Moore's YouTube channel if for instruction and motivation but I cannot stop the coveting and drooling. Hot tamales! Reaching for my prayer beads and asking for forgiveness. For those with stronger morals and a real desire to get fit (at any age), stay fit, live longer, eat right and do right check out AlumniRoundUp's Health channel. I applaud ARU for inspiring a diabetes- and obese- prone demographic to eat right and exercise.

I don't know about you, but after watching that Youtube clip I'm about to do some squats and push-ups. And I hate squats and loathe push-ups. But at least I'll have somebody to think about (the guy in the cutoff orange shirt) while feeling the pain. Thank you Be Moore (Wolverine) and the ARU crew! Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if he lives in the gym to get those results. I mean literally lives in the gym. You'd be surprised. I had a summer love who lived in the YMCA. I was always confused why he would call from a phone. He was foin!!! Cut up and ripped! He's just like you and me, but he's homeless, he's homeless. Lada Dee Laddy Dah.


HappyFatSkinnyGirl said...

Hey, I do hope he is not living in the gym. But I guess if that is what you got to do to keep a roof over your head and stay in shape, then a $50/moth gym membership may be worth it.
