Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 19 a Baker's Blog to Lose 55lbs

Today is my first day on the KimKin diet. I am determined to get down to 148. I am at 203 now.

I have been as high as 240 and as low as 160. I lost 80lbs on Atkins and exercise two years ago. I love exercise. And Atkins is great. But since leaving my full-time job to start a bakery, my time for exercise and my eating discipline is nonexistent. Though I do love the things that I bake, most of the weight gain has come from stress. "Stress. Need Comfort/Safety. Food." It is a bad excuse. But there it is.

Having to stand on my feet all day, lifting pots and pans and working 12 to 14 hour days does not give me much time for working out. As I am used to working out for at least two hours four days a week. But I have not found the time to do just that. But I am amazingly able to find time to stuff food in my mouth. I love Mexican food. Chipotle burritos are my security blanket when things are not going well (which is often in my startup bakery). I love crunchy stuff. So chips with a big burrito salsa and guacamole is my meal for the day. So there is no wonder I have gained so much weight. In fact I am surprised I have not gained more.

Anyway, I thought since I dont have time to workout, I do have the time and mindset to make good decisions about what I eat. I need that discipline back that I had when I was doing Atkins, but something more focused. Before I worked at a desk. Now I work around delicious food all day long. So I need a lot of focus.

I am not affiliated with the KimKins site. I paid my monies to get access and the support at And that is it. I'm not going to be setting up links to the KimKins site or do any KimKins affiliation programs. I'm just doing this to help myself and maybe help someone else who is trying to change the way he/she THINKS and EATS. That is all.

I looked for a lot of information about KimKins and saw some sites that were obviously paid advertisements for KimKins, a few were true testimonials and the others were bashing the diet all together. This site is just a true testament of my journey on trying to lose 55lbs. Whatever weight loss program you are on, pray for your success. To each his own. Just do it. You can do it. I can do it. May all of our efforts be successful.


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