Sunday, August 19, 2007

happyFATskinnyGIRL, a lost Alcoholic, and my really bad Spanish

Cant say I'm unhappy, but I'm definitely not skinny. Gained 4 lbs this week. Back at 194. I definitely slacked this week. I ate low calorie during the weekdays (still around 1200 calories), but one day my carbs were up to 60 grams. That day I ate 4 veggie burgers. And the remainder of the week, I did not bother even putting in my numbers on my food journal. So I'm not sure how I did. I really ate a lot though.

Some of you all may know that I want to speak Spanish and try speaking it, but it is awful to hear. Imagine an idiot, high on helium trying to speak Spanish and that is how I sound. I try to communicate to my co-workers, but they just pat me on the back and stifle laughter. Steve, my GodBrother, mocks my Spanish every chance he gets. This past Saturday morning, my Spanish was pushed to the limits.

Saturday morning, Steve and I arrive at the kitchen at 2am. We were preparing for the Saturday farmer's market. Around 3am, Luis (the night maintenance man), comes in and explains to me that a drunken man had been in the restaurant. The man had startled Luis, by breaking a door. Luis came out of the bathroom, where he was cleaning to see the man throw-up all over a table. The drunkard then staggard to another part of the restaurant and tried to sit down, but ended up breaking a table. The police tried to apprehend him, but the boozer ran into one of the lounge rooms. The coppers finely got him and dragged him to proccesing. Poor Luis, not only did he have to witness this scene, but he had to try to explain it to me while I had this look of "huh?" on my face. Luis just patted me on the back.

The farmer's market was winding down. Steve had already left. And I decided to eat a small piece of the bread I baked for the market and I also finally tried a Torta della Nonna pastry, a dessert I'd added to my menu months ago. Well I sat there under my farmer's market canopy eating my pan de mie roll with fresh basil and nibbling on the torta della nonna and I was happy. I thought of my bad spanish, disgustingly growing debt, the uncertainty of life and felt nothing but joy for being born, healthy and loved. But this morning I saw how fat I was. What made it sort of bad was that yesterday I also had my low-carb taco salad with cheese and sour cream. Not part of KimKins at all. Happy nonetheless, but FAT(ter). Well those be the breaks y'all.
Went to the kitchen to see what I'd eat this morning and there was a babka that I had left for my friend Erin, opened and sliced. STEVE!

Normally, I would have ignored this opened pastry. But the sweet yeasty bread was saying "Hey Krissy." So I said "Hey" back and ate half of it. I'm not sure if it was authentic babka. But it was authentically good. Ate half of it before I put it away. So I'm not sure what this all means. I ate badly this week and especially the last couple of days. Just been eating a lot yall. Lots of sugar free gum and lots of jello. Stuff that stalls, causes water bloat. Not good. But I've been having the munchies. I need to get it together.

I have been drinking my water. And the weather is not as blazing so I hope to go walking soon. ::shrug::
Sort of down, but not out. Looking forward to success. I will get down to my goal weight. I will. I know that much. I will be my best! God first and God willing.

Encouragement and constructive compliments are always welcomed.


Unknown said...

Im glad you tried your bread and Nelly Furtado.Im confident you will do better next week according to KB standards.We should do our best everyday with the 24 hours God has blessed us with. I'll leave you with my new favorite quote by my man Art Williams, who is found on Itunes in the BUSINESS playlist, saying "All You Can Do Is, All You Can Do, BUT All You Can Do Is Enough" If we do the right things we will get the desired results. If we focus on the end result too long, it becomes too much and we will fail often. 12 Pillars has changed my life...LOL Happy Kimkinings to ya

Anonymous said...

Please take a look at It looks like not only is this a potentially very dangerous diet, but the creator is probably not even thin like she claims to be :-( Take care!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and I love the fact that you are happy and your food makes you smile!! Life is good! As far as reaching your goal and your journey toward it ... well I LOVE your honesty because the only way to approach, progress, and accomplish goals is one BITE at a time. Be patient but persistent with yourself and don't forget to laugh at yourself, because at the end of the day you ARE loved and that is all we all want and all God wants for us. I appreciate your blog because we are all trying to be on our way to being our better selves and it never stops if you are really involved in this existence called LIFE!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks yall.
As far as the KimKinsControversy...I really could care less about it. There was "controversy" about low carb diets. It did not bother me any. And it taught me about nutrition and calories and paying attention to food and not just my emotions and pleasing my mouth. So Kimmer may be a nut, probably a fake. But there is some good from the bad. And there is where I the good. All good.