Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl Score

I got on the scales yesterday. I got on them moreso as a punishment. This week was not the strongest in reporting what I ate and exercise. Also three times this week I ate Subway and (baked) chips. Not part of the diet at all. Well I got on the scales and I am down to 192. Go figure. I am going to do my best to wait a month to weigh again. It seems my body has a serious delay in showing my weightloss. This may have to due with the fact that I delay myself from drinking water. I am almost always dehydrated. But I have lost 10 lbs from my last weigh-in. And 15 lbs all together. I am hoping to be at 185 by March.

In the mean time I am looking for work and fulfilling orders. This morning I am off to bake for SuperBowl Orders. Thank you God! Orders came through paying my rent and other obligations. I am glad. I have over 30 s'mores to put together today. And then I make deliveries. And I am home to work out for a couple of hours. I had to return my watch and heart rate monitor. I just could not afford it. When I get a steady income I will buy one again. I am looking forward to it.

Water, WeightLoss, Wealth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss and your deliveries. Yep weight loss isn't a linear thing but your overal trend will be negative as long as you keep working your lowcarb healthy eating. Glad you decided not to do the dangerous Kimkins diet.