Friday, January 30, 2009

Monkey See. Monkey Do?

"The Republican National Committee elected Michael Steele as its first African American chairman today in Washington, a decision that came after an excruciating series of ballots that displayed a level of drama rarely seen in national politics." - WashingtonPost

Well, well, well... They are going to play THAT game. Though it did take them mugs 6x before they could do the deed. I'm sure my beloved dearly departed Jesse Helmes is going bonkers.

Sidenote: Is the RNC trying to do a one-up on Blagojevich? Michael Steele man flunked out of Hopkins, failed the Maryland bar exam. Doesn't pay back family loans. And made some suspect arrangements with the RNC during his bid to run for lieutenant governor. Shucks most of that could be me. I'm sure I'd fail the bar (without even trying) and I know owe my little sister and grandma some money. A creditor would not come near me with 60-foot pole. But apparently the RNC would? Oh wait, I'm a girl. They are not ready for that!

Wait! Why wasn't Palin considered?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what they think they are trying to accomplish with this stunt. If that is the best representative that they could come up with well then we can go ahead and celebrate Obama's second term now. YEAH!!! =-)