Tuesday, April 7, 2009

TechnoGym Cardio Wave : Squats don't have squat on this!

After a hiatus into self-delusion (and no movement on the scale and realizing I'm starting to resemble a line backer), I joined a gym officially. I immediately took advantage of the StairMill (the gauntlet, the stairs of death, the climb of torture) which will unequivocally give a serious workout and change your body for the better. But I also came upon this thing-a-ma-jig called the TechnoGym Cardio Wave. It's this cardio machine that somewhat simulates skating. It seems rather simple, but it works your thighs and booty like no elliptical, and hits parts of your core and leg muscles that the StairMill does not. Cardio Wave also burns serious calories. But you have to work it. Not just lollygag on it. As my legs are going side to side, I speed up, drop down, take my hands off the rails, use my core as a squat down. What I realized is this machine somewhat simulates my most dreaded exercise. The squat!

The day after working out on the Cardio Wave,
I immediately felt the soreness that I get (and avoid) from doing squats. I hate squats. They demand too much of my attention: balance, strength, sweat, endurance, interest. Though squats will give you results. So I am hoping Cardio Wave will give me those same results. Though I know I will ultimately still have to result to sets of squats. Hopefully the Cardio Wave will make me better prepared.

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