Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Day After The Best Day of My Life So Far

Geesh. My last post was March 08. It is January 2009, one day after President Obama's inauguration. So much good has happened in between then and now. Some of it is obviously good and the other is a good challenge.

I'm no longer baking. The Oven door was closed in August 08. Over the summer I was offered a full-time job as a senior designer for big global company XYZ. Glad
to have it. In that summer I also enjoyed a new boyfriend. It was a wonderful fling. But a summer fling that could not survive the Fall. I was dumped on my birthday, Oct. 18.New boyfriend, new job, new waistline. In fact a plus plus plus waistline. I join the ranks of Oprah and Russell Crowe. I've gained again and need to lose again. Though not because I am a multi-million dollar talk show host or an actor trying to fit into a role for a movie. Wanting to get my mind right and be my best is the ulitmate reason. Though vanity has its hand in on it too.

I need to be wearing the dress on the right, even if I have no party to go to or no date to mark the occasion. The dress may seem ridiculous to some, but it is a mark of sure self-confidence and no rolls of fat back. It is good to read this blog and remind myself of my habits, my ups and downs. To set my expectations realistically, to uncover mysteries already solved. Need to drink more water, my body is not a calculator and enjoy the ride. It's a long journey. So why hurry.

9 lbs down 51 lbs more to go.

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