Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Chubby Skinny?

Never been into diet books. But this new diet comic book by Carol Lay looks fun and comes with its on set of controversy that would make a KimKins or Atkins dieter proud.

The title, This comic book can make you thin!, makes fun of the diet fads and gimmicks, but it also comes with a set of its own criticisms. interview with Lay describes her obsession, struggle and balance with food. But it is in the reader comments you can glean the feeding frenzy of nay-sayers and supporters who condemn and praise Carol's story. Even in graphic, light-hearted fun, diets cause a lot of hoopla and drama. I will buy the book for fun. But I am still of the opinion you have to do what works for you. I do agree with Carol that you have to eat right and exercise more. But as far as calorie intake, types of food, types of exercises, find out on your own, be inspired by others and do what is right for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought of our conversations about healthy snacks and the struggle to avoid the yummy but not to so healthy snacks.