Monday, May 18, 2009

Oh hail/hell, the scale!

On the surface my life is going down the toilet—bills and debt galore, high BMI, gut-lap, emotional eater, apartment-renter, single-nester. Most of it is owed to the fact that I need to get back into the order of things: follow the rules, listen more, be patient, look beyond the obvious.

In kowtowing to the Zen of life, I've begun to do the "right thing" even with my daily diet and exercise routine. Studies prove that weighing yourself consistently and journaling food intake will increase weightloss success. I've been entering in my meals and exercise on Lose It!. I even journal my weekend meals, something I was adamantly and stubbornly against. But for the last three weeks I have seen how much it makes a difference. Recording everything I eat makes me AWARE of what I am putting into my body. I do eat more on the weekends and loaf around the house. But it all balances out since I workout during the work week and usually eat very sensibly. Journaling my weekend meals at least keeps me in check from going hog wild and eating ALL the tacos. So that has been good. Zen good. Following the rules good. But I'm still not down with weighing myself every day or even every week. But definitely not every day.

The scale totally wrecks my morale. And I'm not sure how much I should believe in it. Last Wednesday I got on the scale and I was sure I was down a few pounds. I could feel it. I could see it. But the scale showed no change. My suspicious eyebrow twitched. I got on and off a few times. The numbers went up and down. Then I grabbed an iron and stepped on the scale. All of a sudden I was DOWN 2 lbs? Obviously I need to get a new scale. But if I was not sure about myself and my weightloss I would have felt disappointed by all the work I'd been doing to see no results by the scale. So I can see the value in weighing myself every week or every other week, but I don't think the scale tells the whole truth. The scale is no mirror mirror on the wall.

Do the right thing. Eat right, pay your bills, live according to your means, follow the rules. But most importantly b
elieve in your self. Because everything depends on your perspective. I KNEW I had lost 5 pounds. And I claimed it. Wrote it down in my journal. And guess what? I found a calibrated scale and it showed I lost 5 lbs. Believe it! Claim it! Do it!

2 comments: said...

So, if you would carry 5 of those irons around, you'd obviously lose TEN pounds!

HappyFatSkinnyGirl said...

Jim I was tempted to grab the ironing board! Maybe the key to weight loss is iron? :0)