Friday, January 23, 2009

Mind Game... BellyButton Gazing ...Snapping Out of It!

I got stuck y'all. Naw not the kind of stuck because I hit some kind of calorie weight plateu and I'm not losing anymore. Thought that may be the case. The stuck I was in was being stuck in my bullshit.

I wrote this long-winded post about being disappointed in my failures and my fears of failing again...blah, blah, blah. And I was turned off by the "woe is me" purge. I mean those fears are real and all. But we've all heard it before. BORING! I'm not adding anything new to the game. So yeah I'm fat. It's tough. I've got a lot worries. So what. I got fat arms and legs. But damn I got arms and I got legs! And they work!

I spend all day on the net finding new stuff (mostly stuff other folks have found already) and enjoying my friends and posting links and sharing ideas and that is what I need to be doing here.

I will still kvetch about my weight-loss ups and downs. But that is not all there is to this happyfatskinnygirl!

Look out for recipes, links, fashion-hopes, side-job ideas and more. I'm on a mission!

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